Poetry Island                                            

Round 3 Criteria                                






Use the grading rubric below to prepare for both the performance and the discussion:


 _____ volume (3)

_____ vocal characterization: highs & lows; pauses for effect; pace changes to draw in audience members (3)

_____ articulation (clear words) and correct pronunciation (3)

_____ poise (staying in character; professional stage presence: serious, confident demeanor/attitude) (3)

_____ staging (fits mood/tone & actions of performers) (3)

_____ costumes/props/special effects (5) List here what you will have for costumes/props/special effects:


20 pts. possible

Dis cussion of the Poem 

_____  accurate and thorough interpretation; makes poem make sense to us (4)

_____  tone/mood description—with specific words as examples  (3)

_____  literary technique #1 –description and example (2) What was the technique? _____________________

_____  literary technique #2 –description and example (2) What was the technique? _____________________

_____  literary technique #3 –description and example (2) What was the technique? _____________________

_____  literary technique #4 –description and example (2) What was the technique? _____________________

_____  literary technique #5 –description and example (2) What was the technique? _____________________

                17 pts. total


Name of our poem: _________________________________________________________


Author of our poem: _________________________________________________________


Discussion Questions

Poetry Island Round 3                           Name ___________________________



Required questions to be covered after you perform. Remember, each group member must hand in this sheet: it must be completed before performing.

  1.  Interpret the poem: make it make sense to us. Tell us what it’s about and what the point of it is.



2.  Describe the tone or mood of the poem.  Also, what specific words contribute to that tone?



3.  Name and describe at least five literary techniques used in the poem. (NOTE: If you cannot find at least five, you should choose another poem.)


1)  technique: __________________________    example/description: _____________________




2) technique: __________________________    example/description: _____________________




3) technique: __________________________    example/description: _____________________




4) technique: __________________________    example/description: _____________________




5) technique: __________________________    example/description: _____________________

